Benti Chaupai or Chaupai sahib is a prayer or Bani composed by tenth Sikh Guru, Guru Gobind Singh. This bani is present in Charitar 404 of Dasam Granth in Bani Ath Pakhyan Chairtar Likhyatey. This Bani is one of the five Banis recited by the initiated Sikh every morning. It is also a part of evening prayer of the Sikhs called Rehras sahib. The Benti Chaupee can be read at any time during the day to provide protection, positive focus and energy. It is short composition which usually takes less than about 5 minutes to recite at a slow pace; it is written in simple Punjabi language and can be easily understood by most speakers of this language.
Chaupai is the short name for the Sikh prayer or Gurbani whose full name is Kabiobach Bainti Chaupai. This composition is part of the second most important Sikh Holy Book called the Dasam Granth. The Bani comes after the section called Charitropakhyan. Many "charitars" (tricks; deceptions) of the world are shown in Charitropakhyan. Charitars highlight negative energies that can be found on earth. After composing Charitars, the tenth master composed the section that includes this particular bani. It is an Ardas or 'request' or 'sincere plea' to God for protection.
The sub-sections of this composition are as follows:
- Kabiyo Bach Benti Chaupai
- Arril and Chaupai (which follows Benti Chaupai as written in the Sri Dasam Granth. These short stanzas act as a conclusion to this Bani before the Zafarnama)
- Savaiye and Dohra (compiled from an earlier section of Sri Dasam Granth)
Method and Purpose

This bani is recited every morning by devoted Sikhs. It also forms part of the evening prayer called the Rehras Sahib, which Sikhs recite every evening.
The Bani offers protection and security and many Sikhs recite this Bani to gain spiritual safety and defence from external and internal enemies, worries and afflictions. The Gurmukhi text is very powerful and gives one self confidence and an upbeat feeling. This Bani gives one the feeling of reliability and dependability on the Lord. If one has negative feelings and a lack of confidence in the future, one should recite this Bani to get an instant boost.
Below are the commencing 4 Couplets of 27 of this prayer: Kabiyo Baach Bayntee Chaupa-ee
- Please guard us with Your Hands. All my heart's desires are fulfilled. My mind is focused on Your Feet. Sustain us as Your Own.(1)
- Destroy all my enemies. With Your Hands protect me. In Bliss remains my household, servant, Sikh, O Creator! (2)
- Give me your personal protection. Restrain all my adversaries, today. You’ve fulfilled my Wishes. My Thirst for Your Worship grows. (3)
- Leaving You, may I never worship another. All my needs, I get from You. You save my Sikhs & Devotees. One-by-One you demolish my foes. (4)