Valentine's day is here, true love is in the air and my beloved is somewhere near. The colour of love, hearts of red, aroma of roses, sweet smiles and sweet nothings abound. This is picture perfect – will you experience this true love?
How many of us really experience this true love, which is so fabulously portrayed in Bollywood – with actors singing in the rain, snow and lush scenery. Our hearts, dreams and emotions yearn for this love of two souls becoming one.
The true sadness is many of us will die yearning and die trying, to find/realise this true love, or the ecstasy of true love. But if love is true – does it have a sell by date? Does it have a till death do us part? The simple answer is NO.
True love carries through this life and next – this is both in a spiritual and material sense. But the Guru & the spiritually gifted tell us to yearn for a love which is not transitory, in that we go after the Creator and not his Creation. Some of us may be happy to get engrossed in the creation whereas others would prefer to yearn for a love which is both fulfilling and saves us from the pain of transmigration. The choice is yours – we make our tomorrow.
But what are the traits of lovers? What are the limits of true love?
Love has its ups and downs, it tears and tantrums, but the pangs of separation of a lover and its tears can be life-changing and rejuvenating. Traits of a true lover are to be attentive to the needs of their lover – by being humble, forgiving/accepting and speaking sweet words to their beloved (Bhagat Fareed Jee, 1384 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee).
Jealousy – is a characteristic that is both frowned upon and cherished by lovers, depending on the love and tendencies to control. The lover I have found though, is the most jealous lover and his love is both painful, tearful and challenging. My lover – the Creator of the Universe, my wonderful enlightener, Allah, Vaheguru, Hari – GOD, is the most jealous lover in the world. He wants me to break all my affections and attachments, all that is illusory and then I may one day realise the ocean of his love.
I walk this lonely path towards him – whilst knowing He is near, yet far, He can hear but I cannot see, but I enjoy the hide and seek. As I will keep seeking him and one day I shall find, then there will be no pangs of separation. Great souls before me, walked this earth and enjoyed and cherished him, the same beloved that I yearn – souls like Mata Kaula Jee (Kaulsar Sarovar in Golden Temple precinct) who left her hearth and home for the 6th Guru and died after being separated from Guru Jee at Kartarpur Sahib (near Jalandhar). Like Bhagat Fareed Jee who begged the crow not to poke his eyes out as he yearned to see the beloved Lord, after strict meditations his body had become like a skeleton and he was afraid the crow thought he was dead (see 1382 Sri Guru Granth Sahib Jee).
I know who my true love is, my searching has ended and I hope that all that read this and celebrate Valentines also find true love. I celebrate valentines daily when I sing his praises.